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What’s the Difference between a Real Estate Agent and a Broker?

There are a lot of professional designations in real estate. Two of the most common…

What’s the Difference between a Real Estate Agent and a Broker?

There are a lot of professional designations in real estate. Two of the most common include real estate agent and real estate broker. What is the difference between these two important titles? The main difference between an agent and a…

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Two major items home buyers need to think about before contacting a realtor.

Many people find it useful to have a checklist and on any good checklist these…

Two major items home buyers need to think about before contacting a realtor.

Many people find it useful to have a checklist and on any good checklist these 2 items should be the first items on that list. as they are essential to getting the ball rolling on your dream of home ownership.…

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