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What is the minimum credit score needed to qualify for a conventional loan?


I often get asked this question:

“Josh, what’s the credit score I need to qualify for a conventional mortgage?”

And while my advice changes slightly over the years, this is what’s generally true in the current market.

In today’s market, all you need is a 620 credit score to qualify. In FACT, credit scores are not as helpful as you might think.

For example:

  • With the 620 credit score on a conventional loan, in today’s market, you’d get an interest rate of about 3%.
  • If your score is at 700, you’ll get a rate of 2.875%.
  • If your score is 780 or above, rates are about 2.75%.

So, as you can see, it’s not much of a difference, going from a score of 620 to a score of 780. Again, all you need is a score of 620 to qualify; most lenders will accept your application provided you have at least 620.

If you’re not sure about your current credit score, I highly suggest that you definitely monitor your credit score through an app such as Credit Karma. It’s free, simple to use, and doing searches with it will not count as official inquiries into your credit.

I also highly suggest that you watch our next video (or read next week’s blog post) which will discuss Credit Improvement.

If this was helpful or if you have other questions you’d like me to answer, go ahead and let us know via a comment down below, or through contacting us here at GROW Mortgages via the phone number (562)-646-7141 or through

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